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Steps for Increasing HPV Vaccination in Practice

Steps for Increasing HPV Vaccination in Practice

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine plays a crucial role in preventing HPV-related cancers and diseases. With the increasing prevalence of HPV infections, it is essential to implement strategies to encourage vaccination rates among preteens, teens, and young adults. This article discusses the importance of the HPV vaccine and provides steps for increasing HPV vaccination rates in medical practice.

1. Understanding the Importance of HPV Vaccination

The Significance of High HPV Vaccination Rates

Achieving high HPV vaccination rates is crucial in preventing cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine, also known as the Gardasil shot, protects against various types of HPV that cause cancers, such as cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers, as well as genital warts. By promoting HPV vaccination, healthcare professionals can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases among their patients.

HPV Vaccine Recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that 11- to 12-year-olds receive two doses of the HPV vaccine, with the second dose administered 6-12 months after the first. Those who initiate the vaccination series at or after age 15, as well as immunocompromised individuals, should receive three doses (at 0, 1-2, and 6 months). Both males and females up to age 26 who were not adequately vaccinated should receive catch-up HPV vaccination. Moreover, adults aged 27-45 should consult with healthcare professionals to determine if HPV vaccination is appropriate for them. Shared clinical decision-making is recommended in such cases.

2. Recognizing the Impact of Clinician Recommendations

Clinician recommendations play a significant role in parents’ decisions to vaccinate their children. By providing clear, concise, and empathetic information about the HPV vaccine, healthcare professionals can address parents’ concerns and encourage vaccination. It is essential for clinicians to be prepared to answer common questions about HPV vaccine side effects, HPV vaccine safety, and the long-term effects of the vaccine.

3. Implementing Effective HPV Vaccine Promotion Strategies

Bundling Vaccine Recommendations

One effective approach to promoting HPV vaccination is bundling vaccine recommendations. Healthcare professionals should recommend the HPV vaccine the same day and the same way they recommend other vaccines. For example, “Now that Danny is 11, he is due for vaccinations to help protect against meningitis, HPV cancers, and whooping cough. We’ll give those shots during today’s visit. Do you have any questions about these vaccines?”

Motivating and Educating the Medical Team

Encouraging immunization conversations with parents starts with a well-informed and motivated medical team. Ensure that each team member, from the front office to the nursing staff, understands the importance of the HPV vaccine and is educated on proper vaccination practices and recommendations. Team members should be prepared to answer parents’ questions, remind and recall parents about vaccinations, and regularly check immunization records.

4. Establishing Systems to Maximize Vaccination Opportunities

Vaccinating at Every Visit

To ensure that no opportunities to vaccinate are missed, establish a policy to vaccinate at every visit. Create a system to check patients’ immunization status ahead of all appointments. Before seeing the patient, staff should indicate if the patient is due for immunization, with special consideration given to HPV vaccination. Utilize standing orders for administering the HPV vaccine to adults, children, and teens.

Tracking Vaccination Rates and Refusals

Monitor your practice’s vaccination rates and refusals to identify areas for improvement. Deputize staff members to assist in tracking vaccination rates, understanding why some patients are behind on vaccines, and facilitating solutions to bring patients in and maintain high immunization rates.

5. Building Strong Doctor-Patient Relationships

Maintaining strong doctor-patient relationships is essential for navigating challenging immunization conversations. When parents initially question immunization but ultimately agree to vaccinate their child on time, it demonstrates trust in the healthcare professional’s expertise and advice.

6. Preparing for Common Questions about HPV Vaccine

Be ready to answer parents’ most common questions about the HPV vaccine, such as HPV vaccine side effects, long-term effects of HPV vaccine, and why the HPV vaccine is not recommended after age 26. Providing succinct, accurate, and empathetic answers using terms that parents can understand will help address their concerns and promote vaccination.

7. Using Personal Examples

Sharing personal examples of how you or other healthcare professionals choose to vaccinate children in your family can help demonstrate your belief in the importance of immunizations, especially the HPV vaccine. Combining personal examples with an effective recommendation can help parents better understand the benefits of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention.

8. Utilizing Local Health Department Resources

Leverage the resources of your local health department to achieve your goals of protecting patients through vaccination. Health departments can provide valuable information, support, and materials to assist in promoting HPV vaccination within your practice.

9. Offering HPV Vaccination for Adults

The HPV vaccine is not only for children and teens. Adults up to age 45 can benefit from HPV vaccination, especially if they were not adequately vaccinated earlier. Encourage adult patients to discuss the HPV vaccine with their healthcare professionals and promote shared clinical decision-making when determining if the vaccine is appropriate.

10. Providing Accessible HPV Vaccination Services

Ensure that patients can easily access HPV vaccination services by providing information on HPV vaccine cost, where to get the HPV vaccine, and the availability of the vaccine at your practice. By making the HPV vaccine readily accessible, you can help increase vaccination rates and protect patients from HPV-related cancers and diseases.

In conclusion, healthcare professionals play a vital role in promoting and increasing HPV vaccination rates. By understanding the importance of the HPV vaccine, implementing effective strategies, and providing accessible vaccination services, medical practitioners can help protect their patients from HPV-related cancers and diseases.


Why is it important to increase HPV vaccination in practice?

HPV vaccination is important for preventing several types of cancer, including cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal cancer. By increasing vaccination rates, we can help protect individuals from these types of cancer and reduce the overall burden of cancer in our society.

What are some steps that healthcare providers can take to increase HPV vaccination in their practice?

Healthcare providers can take several steps to increase HPV vaccination rates in their practice, including educating patients and their parents about the benefits of vaccination, addressing concerns or questions that patients and parents may have, and using reminder systems to ensure that patients receive the full series of recommended doses.

How effective is the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine is highly effective at preventing infection with the types of HPV that are most likely to cause cancer. Clinical trials have shown that the vaccine can reduce the risk of cervical cancer by up to 90%, and other types of cancer by up to 85%.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with the HPV vaccine?

Like all vaccines, the HPV vaccine can cause side effects, but these are generally mild and go away on their own within a few days. The most common side effects include pain or redness at the injection site, fever, and headache. Serious side effects are rare.

Can adults still get the HPV vaccine?

Yes, adults can still get the HPV vaccine, and it is generally recommended for individuals up to age 26. However, the vaccine may be less effective in older individuals who have already been exposed to HPV. Adults who are considering getting the vaccine should talk to their healthcare provider to determine if it is appropriate for them.