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How Can I Treat My Shoulder Arthritis?: The Spine and Sports

How Can I Treat My Shoulder Arthritis? The Spine and Sports

Are you suffering from shoulder arthritis? Does your shoulder pain interfere with your life, making it difficult to enjoy the activities you love? If so, you may be wondering how to treat your shoulder arthritis. The Spine and Sports clinic offers treatments for shoulder arthritis that can help reduce pain and improve mobility.

In this article, you’ll learn about the various treatment options available for shoulder arthritis, as well as the benefits of each. From physical therapy to steroid injections, discover how The Spine and Sports clinic can provide you with the relief you need to get back to living an active lifestyle.

Understanding Shoulder Arthritis

As we age, the joints in our body may become affected by arthritis – a common ailment that causes pain and stiffness. One of the joints most susceptible to arthritis is the shoulder, which is composed of two primary joints: the glenohumeral joint and the acromioclavicular joint. Shoulder arthritis can severely impact your daily life, making it difficult to perform simple tasks like lifting objects or even getting dressed.

There are different types of shoulder arthritis, with osteoarthritis being the most common. This form of arthritis occurs when the smooth cartilage lining the shoulder joint gradually wears away, leading to friction between the bones and resulting in pain and inflammation. Other forms of shoulder arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder, and post-traumatic arthritis, which can develop after a shoulder injury.

It is essential to understand the various types of shoulder arthritis and their causes, as well as the symptoms that may indicate you have this condition, in order to seek appropriate treatment and manage your pain effectively.

Causes and Symptoms of Shoulder Arthritis

The leading cause of shoulder arthritis is the natural wear and tear of cartilage due to aging. However, other factors can contribute to the development of this condition, such as previous shoulder injuries, genetics, and certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of shoulder arthritis can vary from person to person, but some common signs include:

  • Gradual onset of shoulder pain, which may worsen over time
  • Pain that is aggravated by activity and relieved by rest
  • Stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint
  • Grinding or clicking sensations during shoulder movement
  • Swelling and tenderness around the joint

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to receive an accurate diagnosis and begin the appropriate treatment plan.

How Can I Treat My Shoulder Arthritis?

Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment of shoulder arthritis are crucial to managing pain, preserving joint function, and preventing further joint damage. The longer you wait to address the issue, the more severe the damage and pain may become, potentially leading to more invasive treatment options or even surgery.

By seeking medical attention as soon as you begin experiencing symptoms, you give yourself the best chance of successfully managing your shoulder arthritis with non-surgical treatment options and maintaining your quality of life.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Shoulder Arthritis Pain Relief

a. Physical Therapy Exercises

One of the most effective non-surgical treatments for shoulder arthritis is physical therapy. Working with a trained physical therapist can help you develop a personalized exercise program that targets your specific needs and goals. These exercises may include gentle range-of-motion activities, stretching, and strengthening exercises to improve joint function and stability.

b. Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, can provide temporary relief from arthritis pain and inflammation. However, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication, as these drugs may have side effects or interact with other medications you are currently taking.

c. Shoulder Mobility and Strengthening Exercises

In addition to physical therapy exercises, incorporating shoulder mobility and strengthening exercises into your daily routine can help improve your shoulder’s overall function and stability. These exercises may include resistance band exercises, shoulder blade squeezes, and gentle stretches to maintain your shoulder range of motion and prevent stiffness.

The Role of Spine and Sports in Treating Shoulder Arthritis

Spine and Sports is a specialized healthcare facility that focuses on providing comprehensive, non-surgical treatment options for patients experiencing joint pain, including shoulder arthritis. Their team of experienced healthcare professionals, including physical therapists, chiropractors, and sports medicine specialists, work together to create personalized treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment at Spine and Sports

By choosing Spine and Sports for your shoulder arthritis treatment, you can expect a compassionate and knowledgeable team dedicated to helping you achieve pain relief and improved joint function. Some benefits of seeking treatment at Spine and Sports include:

  • Access to state-of-the-art equipment and treatment modalities
  • A multidisciplinary approach to care that addresses all aspects of your condition
  • Personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and goals
  • A focus on non-surgical, conservative treatment options to help you avoid more invasive procedures

Maintaining Shoulder Range of Motion and Preventing Further Joint Pain

One of the most critical aspects of managing shoulder arthritis is maintaining your shoulder range of motion and preventing further joint pain. This can be achieved through a combination of regular physical therapy exercises, at-home strengthening and mobility exercises, and lifestyle modifications to reduce stress on the joint.

In addition to these strategies, it is essential to maintain open communication with your healthcare provider and report any changes in your symptoms or the effectiveness of your treatment plan. This will allow them to make any necessary adjustments to ensure you are receiving the best care possible.

When to Consider Surgical Treatment for Shoulder Arthritis

While non-surgical treatment options can be highly effective in managing shoulder arthritis, there may come a time when surgery becomes a necessary option to alleviate pain and restore joint function. Some indications that surgery may be required include:

  • Severe joint damage that cannot be effectively managed with conservative treatments
  • Persistent pain that significantly impacts your daily life and does not respond to non-surgical treatment options
  • Loss of shoulder function or range of motion that prevents you from performing necessary daily tasks

If you believe you may be a candidate for shoulder arthritis surgery, it is essential to discuss your options with your healthcare provider and carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks of the procedure.

Tips for Managing Shoulder Arthritis in Daily Life

Living with shoulder arthritis can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to manage your pain and maintain your quality of life. Some tips for managing shoulder arthritis in daily life include:

  • Engaging in regular physical activity to keep your joints flexible and strong
  • Practicing good posture to reduce strain on your shoulder joint
  • Using assistive devices, such as jar openers or reaching tools, to reduce the stress on your shoulder during daily tasks
  • Applying heat or cold therapy to your shoulder to alleviate pain and inflammation
  • Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce pressure on your joints

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Shoulder Arthritis Journey

Shoulder arthritis can have a significant impact on your daily life, but with the right treatment plan and self-care strategies, you can manage your pain, maintain your shoulder’s range of motion, and continue to enjoy the activities you love. By seeking early diagnosis and treatment, exploring non-surgical treatment options, and working closely with the dedicated team at Spine and Sports, you can take control of your shoulder arthritis journey and achieve a better quality of life.

Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body and communicate openly with your healthcare provider to ensure you are receiving the best care possible for your unique needs.


1) What are the common treatments for shoulder arthritis?

Common treatments for shoulder arthritis include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, over-the-counter pain medications, corticosteroid injections, and surgery in severe cases.

2) Can exercise help alleviate shoulder arthritis symptoms?

Yes, exercise can help alleviate shoulder arthritis symptoms. Low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling can improve range of motion and reduce pain. Additionally, strengthening exercises and stretching can help improve joint stability and ease discomfort.

3) Is surgery the only option for treating severe shoulder arthritis?

Surgery is usually a last resort for treating severe shoulder arthritis. Other treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, and injections should be considered first. However, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to alleviate pain and restore mobility to the affected joint. Your doctor will be able to determine the most appropriate course of treatment for you.